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Why is it worth participating in the partners programs? – explains Harry Tylor, UpMenu’s affiliate partner


Partner programs can be a relatively easy and fun way to get an extra source of income, but many people are still a bit sceptical about them. Harry Tylor, a restaurant owner, entrepreneur and participant in the partners program explains us in an interview if there is anything to be afraid of.

Your restaurant has been using the UpMenu system for 3 years and you became our affiliate partner a few months ago. Can you tell us why you came up with such a decision?

It’s true, I’ve been working with you for a long time and I joined the affiliate community relatively recently. I realized it’s a tempting opportunity and it would be a pity not to take advantage of it, especially since I have the possibility to include my own partners or friends from the gastronomy industry into the network.

What opportunities and challenges did you see in this kind of cooperation?

First of all, the opportunity to earn passive income. Now not only my own restaurant, but also the affiliate commission is my source of income. As for the challenges, the biggest one was to make ten or more restaurants to use my affiliate link, not one or two. After all, the more referrals the more benefits for me 

Is there any other issue besides the financial one that convinced you to join our partners program?

Certainly the fact that all the customer support for the restaurants which start using your tool on my recommendation remains on your side. When running my own business I wouldn’t have had time to explain in details how the system works. At least I know that I leave my clients in good hands.

I must honestly admit that the UpMenu team is very helpful in all stages of cooperation. I’m very glad that the cooperation we established a few years ago has turned into a true partnership. I hope that it will be long-term and we will achieve our goals together.

Thank you for your kind words, such opinions are extremely valuable to us. What advice do you have for those who hesitate to join our program or are sceptical about this sales channel?

In fact, you lose nothing and you can only gain. In the end a lot depends on your commitment, especially when you start. If someone does not work in the gastronomy sector, they will have to put in a little more effort, but the more contacts you get, the more you delve into and learn about the industry, the easier it comes.

Is there anything you were afraid of establishing a partnership with us?

Yes, in fact, there was a concern whether restaurateurs who used my affiliate link would stay with UpMenu for longer, or whether they would resign e.g. after a month or two. Their resignation would reflect on me. It’s true that I use UpMenu myself and I know that it is a great tool but I was wondering if it would suit everyone the same as me. And it did happen that someone didn’t want to continue with the subscription, but these were very marginal cases. Fortunately, the gastronomy sector is so large that gaining new customers is not much of a problem.

You said that getting new customers is not much of a problem. Can you reveal your secret method of obtaining them?

I’m not going to reveal my know-how, but I can say that personal contacts and Social Media have the greatest driving force 🙂

Picture of Agata Kubiak - Padkowska

Agata Kubiak - Padkowska

6+ years Partnerships Manager passionate about helping restaurants thrive in online space.

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