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Facebook Ads for Restaurants in 2024 (Ultimate Guide)


Facebook Ads continue to be an invaluable tool for restaurants aiming to attract and engage with customers online. This comprehensive guide will delve into the mechanics of Facebook Ads for restaurants, providing practical examples and step-by-step instructions for launching successful campaigns.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Introduction: Importance of Facebook Ads for restaurants in 2024.
  • How Facebook Ads Work: Overview of how Facebook Ads function specifically for the restaurant industry.
  • Ad Formats: Detailed examples of different Facebook Ad formats suitable for restaurants, including Photo Ads, Video Ads, Carousel Ads, Slideshow Ads, Collection Ads, Dynamic Ads, Event Ads, and Stories Ads.
  • Starting a Campaign: Step-by-step guide on initiating a Facebook Ads campaign for restaurants, including setting up a restaurant website with online ordering, a Facebook page, and using Facebook Ads Manager.
  • Cost Analysis: Breakdown of costs associated with running Facebook Ads for restaurants, including a cost calculator, average ROAS, and conversion rates.
  • Key Takeaways: Essential tips for maximizing the effectiveness of Facebook Ads campaigns for restaurants.

How Facebook Ads for Restaurants Works

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook Ad formats

Facebook Ads provide restaurants with a powerful platform to reach a broad audience through targeted advertising. 

Leveraging Facebook’s extensive user data, restaurants can create highly targeted campaigns that reach potential customers based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This allows restaurants to promote their offerings effectively and drive engagement and sales.

Facebook Ads work by displaying sponsored content in users’ news feeds, stories, and other placements across Facebook and its associated platforms, such as Instagram. 

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook CPC Explainer

Payments for Facebook Ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) or pay-per-impression (CPM) model. This means that restaurants only pay when someone clicks on their ad or based on the number of impressions (views) their ad receives. 

This model ensures that your Facebook advertising budget is used efficiently to attract interested customers. 

Restaurants can use various ad formats to showcase their menu items, promotions, and events, creating visually appealing and interactive ads that capture users’ attention. Your restaurant can achieve significant returns on its advertising investments by setting specific campaign goals and continuously optimizing ads.

Restaurant Facebook Ads Examples

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats that restaurants can use to engage with potential customers. In this section, we will explore different types of Facebook Ads, showcasing how each format can effectively promote a restaurant’s offerings and drive customer engagement.

Photo Ads

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook Photo Ad example

Photo Ads are single-image ads that are simple yet effective for showcasing a restaurant’s food, ambiance, or special offers. These ads appear in users’ news feeds on both Facebook and Instagram.


  • Visual Appeal: High-quality images can instantly capture attention and evoke an emotional response.
  • Simplicity: Easy to create and manage, making them ideal for quick promotions or highlighting popular dishes.
  • Versatility: Can be used for various purposes, from announcing new menu items to promoting events or specials.

Video Ads

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook Video Ad example

Video Ads use video content to engage users with dynamic and visually stimulating content. These ads can be displayed in the news feed, stories, and other placements across Facebook and Instagram.


  • Engagement: Videos can tell a story or showcase a restaurant experience more effectively than static images.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of content, including chef interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and customer testimonials.
  • Higher Interaction Rates: Videos often see higher engagement rates, as they can captivate and retain the viewer’s attention longer.

Carousel Ads

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook Carousel Ad example

Carousel Ads allow restaurants to showcase multiple images or videos within a single ad unit, with each image or video having its own link. These ads appear in the news feed and can be swiped through by users.


  • Multiple Highlights: Perfect for displaying a variety of menu items, specials, or different aspects of the restaurant.
  • Interactive Experience: Encourages users to engage by swiping through the carousel, increasing interaction.
  • Increased Conversion Opportunities: Each card can link to a different landing page, maximizing conversion potential.

Slideshow Ads

Slideshow Ads use a series of images to create a video-like experience without the high production costs of video ads. These ads can appear in the news feed and stories.


  • Cost-Effective: Easier and cheaper to produce than video ads while still providing a dynamic viewing experience.
  • Accessibility: Can be viewed on devices with slower internet connections, ensuring broader reach.
  • Storytelling: Great for step-by-step visuals, such as the preparation of a signature dish or a tour of the restaurant.

Collection Ads

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook Collection Ad example

Collection Ads feature a cover image or video followed by several product images. These ads are primarily designed for mobile devices and appear in the news feed.


  • Seamless Shopping Experience: Users can browse and purchase directly from the ad, streamlining the conversion process.
  • Engaging Format: Combines rich media with a catalog of products, ideal for showcasing a menu or seasonal specials.
  • Mobile Optimization: Designed to provide a smooth experience on mobile devices, where many users are browsing.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads automatically promote relevant items from your catalog to people who have shown interest on your website, in your app, or elsewhere on the Internet. These ads appear in the news feed, stories, and other placements.


  • Personalization: Automatically shows users products they’ve already expressed interest in, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the need for manual ad creation, as ads are dynamically generated.
  • Retargeting: Excellent for re-engaging past visitors and encouraging them to complete a purchase.

Event Ads

Event Ads promote specific events, such as a grand opening, live music night, or special dining experience. These ads appear in users’ news feeds and can be targeted to people who have shown interest in similar events.


  • Targeted Promotion: Specifically tailored to attract attendees for a particular event.
  • Increased Awareness: Boosts visibility and attendance by reaching a wide audience.
  • Engagement: Encourages users to interact by RSVPing or sharing the event with friends.

Stories Ads

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook Stories Ad example

Stories Ads are full-screen vertical ads that appear between users’ stories on Facebook and Instagram. They provide an immersive experience that is ideal for quick, impactful messages.


  • High Engagement: Full-screen format captures users’ full attention.
  • Ephemeral Content: Takes advantage of the popular stories format, which users engage with frequently.
  • Creative Flexibility: Allows for playful, dynamic content that can include photos, videos, and interactive elements.

How to Start with Restaurant Google Ads Campaigns

Starting a restaurant Facebook ads campaign involves a series of essential steps to ensure your ads reach the right audience and achieve your marketing goals. In this section, we will guide you through setting up your restaurant’s online presence and creating effective Facebook Ads campaigns.

1. Restaurant Website with Online Ordering

Having a dedicated restaurant website with an online ordering system is crucial for a successful Facebook Ads campaign. This setup enhances the customer experience and maximizes the effectiveness of your ads by providing a seamless ordering process.

Online Ordering System
Start selling food online
Set up commission-free ordering for your restaurant's website in minutes. Boost revenue while saving on third-party fees


  • Convenience: Allows customers to place orders directly from your website, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Increased Sales: Streamlined online ordering can lead to more completed transactions and higher sales.
  • Better Data Collection: Gather valuable customer information for future marketing efforts and personalized promotions.
  • Improved Customer Experience: A user-friendly interface can enhance the overall dining experience, encouraging repeat business.
  • Direct Integration: Link your Facebook Ads directly to your online ordering page for immediate action.
  • Promotional Opportunities: Highlight special deals and upsell items directly on your website to boost revenue.

2. Restaurant Facebook Page

Facebook ads for restaurants - Restaurant Facebook Page example

Creating and maintaining a well-optimized Facebook page for your restaurant is essential for the success of your Facebook marketing. Your Facebook page is the central hub for your online presence on the platform, where you can engage with customers, share updates, and promote your ads.

A well-configured Facebook page allows you to interact with customers through posts, comments, and messages, fostering a loyal community. It also provides a platform to showcase your restaurant’s brand, menu, events, and promotions to a broad audience. 

Post regular updates, photos, and videos to keep your Facebook users informed and engaged. Additionally, having a Facebook page enables you to access detailed analytics about your audience and their interactions with your page, helping you tailor your ads and content effectively. 

Integrating your ads with your Facebook page ensures consistency and enhances brand recognition. It also provides a space to collect reviews and feedback directly from customers.

3. Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook ads for restaurants - Facebook Ad Manager Dashboard

Facebook Ads Manager is a comprehensive tool for creating, managing, and optimizing ad campaigns. It provides detailed insights and analytics to help you track the performance of your ads and make data-driven decisions.

Setting Up Facebook Ads Manager with Pixel Integration:

  1. Create a Facebook Ads Account:
    • Sign up for Facebook Ads Manager if you haven’t already.
    • Set up your billing information.
  2. Install Facebook Pixel:
    • Navigate to the Events Manager within Ads Manager.
    • Click on “Add Event” and select “From a New Website.”
    • Follow the instructions to create a Facebook Pixel, which includes copying the Pixel code.
  3. Add Pixel Code to Your Website:
    • Paste the Pixel code into the header section of your website’s HTML.
    • If you use a restaurant website builder from UpMenu, you can integrate Pixel at your Appstore tab.
  4. Verify Pixel Installation:
    • Use the Facebook Pixel Helper Chrome extension to ensure the Pixel is correctly installed and tracking data.
  5. Create Custom Audiences:
    • Use the data collected by your Pixel to create custom audiences for your ad campaigns. These can include website visitors, people who have added items to their cart, or those who have completed a purchase.
  6. Launch Your Campaign:
    • In Ads Manager, click on “Create” to start a new campaign.
    • Define your campaign objective, such as website traffic or conversions.
    • Set up your ad set, including your target audience, budget, and schedule.
    • Design your ad creative and ensure it aligns with your campaign goals.
    • Review your settings and launch your campaign.

By integrating Facebook Pixel with your Ads Manager, you can track user actions on your website, measure the effectiveness of your ads, and optimize future campaigns for better performance.

4. Setting up Restaurant Facebook Ads

Setting up a Photo Ads campaign with Stories allows you to leverage visually appealing images to engage your audience both in their news feeds and within Stories. This dual approach maximizes your ad’s visibility and effectiveness.

Steps to Set Up a Photo Ads Campaign with Stories:

  1. Create a New Campaign:
    • Log in to Facebook Ads Manager.
    • Click on “Create” to start a new campaign.
    • Select your campaign objective, such as “Brand Awareness,” “Traffic,” or “Engagement.”
  2. Name Your Campaign and Set Budget:
    • Enter a name for your campaign.
    • Choose your budget and set either a daily or lifetime budget for your ads.
    • Define the schedule for your campaign, including start and end dates if applicable.
  3. Define Your Audience:
    • In the Ad Set section, set up your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and location.
    • Use detailed targeting options to refine your audience for better precision.
  4. Select Ad Placements:
    • Choose “Automatic Placements” to let Facebook optimize where your ads appear, or select “Manual Placements” for more control.
    • Ensure you include both “Facebook News Feed” and “Stories” under placements to maximize reach.
  5. Set Up Ad Creative:
    • In the Ad section, choose “Single Image or Video” as your ad format.
    • Upload high-quality images that are visually appealing and relevant to your campaign.
    • For Stories, make sure your images are in a vertical format (9:16 aspect ratio) to fit the Stories display.
  6. Add Ad Copy and Call-to-Action:
    • Write compelling ad copy that complements your images.
    • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that directs users to take the desired action, such as “Order Now” or “Visit Us”.
  7. Review and Publish:
    • Review all your campaign settings to ensure everything is configured correctly.
    • Click “Publish” to launch your Photo Ads campaign.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling Facebook Photo Ads campaign with Stories, engaging your audience with visually stunning images and increasing the likelihood of achieving your marketing objectives.

How Much Does it Cost to Run Facebook Ads for Restaurants (calculator)

Understanding the costs associated with running Facebook Ads for your restaurant is essential for budgeting and measuring the return on investment (ROI). 

The cost of Facebook Ads can vary based on factors such as audience targeting, ad quality, and competition within your niche. Below, we’ll break down the cost components, average ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), and conversion rates for restaurants.

Cost Breakdown of Restaurant Facebook Ads

Cost Component
Bidding Strategy
Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
The amount you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.
Cost-Per-Impression (CPM)
The amount you pay per 1,000 impressions (views) of your ad.
Daily Budget
The maximum amount you are willing to spend on ads per day.
Monthly Budget
The total amount you plan to spend on ads per month.
Bidding Strategy
Determines how you pay for users to interact with your ads (e.g., manual CPC, automatic bids).

Average ROAS and Conversion Rates for Restaurants

Average Value
Average ROAS
3:1 (For every $1 spent on ads, restaurants earn $3 in revenue)
Average Conversion Rate
2-4% (Percentage of ad clicks that result in a desired action, such as an order or reservation)

Formula to Estimate Facebook Ads Costs and ROAS

Estimate Facebook Ads Costs:
To estimate the monthly cost of your Facebook Ads campaign, use the following formula:

Monthly Cost = Average CPC × Estimated Clicks per Day × Number of Days in Month

Calculate ROAS

To calculate the return on ad spend, use this formula:

ROAS = Total Ad Spend / Total Revenue from Ads


If your average CPC is $1.20, you estimate 50 clicks per day, and you run ads for 30 days:

Monthly Cost = 1.20 × 50 × 30 = $1,800

If your total revenue from these ads is $5,400:

ROAS = 5,400 / 1,800 = 3:1 (300% percent return of ad spend)

By understanding these cost components and using these formulas, you can better estimate and manage the expenses associated with running Facebook Ads for your restaurant, ensuring a positive return on investment.

Key Takeaways

  • Ad Formats: To effectively showcase your menu items and promotions, utilize photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and slideshow ads.
  • Facebook Page: Important for building your online presence and interacting with customers on Facebook.
  • Online Ordering Integration: Direct traffic to your website’s online ordering system through targeted ads to increase sales.
  • Custom Audiences and Detailed Targeting: Reach the right audience by using custom audiences and detailed targeting options.
  • Campaign Objectives: Define clear campaign objectives to guide your ad strategy and measure success.
  • Broad and Specific Targeting: Balance detailed targeting with a broad audience strategy to maximize your ad reach.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes, Facebook ads are highly effective for restaurants, helping to increase visibility, attract new customers, and boost online orders and reservations.

The budget for Facebook ads varies, but many restaurants start with $500 to $1,500 per month, adjusting based on the campaign’s performance and goals.

Advertise your food on Facebook by creating compelling photo or video ads, targeting your audience based on location and interests, and using Facebook Ads Manager to set up and monitor your campaigns.

To add a menu on your restaurant’s Facebook page, go to your page settings, select the “Menu” tab, and upload your menu as a PDF or image file.

Picture of Dominik Bartoszek

Dominik Bartoszek

8+ years Digital Marketer driven by data & AI. Helping restaurants grow more through online orders.

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